Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Hallowen!

Halloween isn't my favorite holiday but we usually have fun with the neighborhood during the night.  We get 300 plus kids at our house for trick or treats and while we know many of them we get a lot that are total strangers.

The funniest ones are the teenagers that are too old to be trick or treating and don't even have a costume on, they walk around with a sack looking to get candy from the neighborhood houses.  The funny thing is that they don't even look like they are enjoying it.  The uncostumed "too old to be doing this" teens look like they just lost their best friend.  Of course I know they didn't just lose their best friend because they are standing right there next to them.

Our favorites are the young kids that we know, they show up with super hero costumes on or princess costumes or funny ones with a mask.  Best of all is when you say "oh my who is this?"  and the kids pulls up their mask and with a sly grin says, " it's just  me!"  How cool is that?  More than the pursuit of candy, the youngest kids are really wanting everyone to see that behind the mask, it's just them.  Perhaps those sad teens have forgotten that the candy is not nearly as sweet as your neighbors knowing that you and your parents have turned ordinary you into a believable super hero, princess, ghoul or other creature.

Every year my family and I carve pumpkins and as my kids got older they started liking it less and less, but I like just as much now as I did when I was really young.  Maybe I didn't like it when I was a teenager, I don't recall, but right now I really enjoy it because it gives me a chance to show my neighbors that I and my family have turned an ordinary pumpkin into a really cool super hero.

Happy Halloween.


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