Thursday, October 25, 2012

One sad Day!

You know this business is great!  Everyday I get to help people protect themselves from disaster.  Insurance is there to stop a loss from being total.  Everyone wants maximum coverage for the minimum premium but, in general we all know that insurance is a necessary part of life that will someday help us out.  However, one type of policy is more important than any other. 

Here's a quick story about a man named William Pettry, who flew to Jacksonville Florida Friday, October 5th to watch his favorite team play, the Bears.  That Sunday at a local bar in Jacksonville William was murdered in an unthinkable way.  He was stabbed to death right in the middle of the bar.  Now they caught the guy right away and have a confession but that won't help Mrs. Pettry.

You see William leaves behind a wife and three young children and no income.  Mrs. Pettry will struggle to pay the funeral costs but that is just he beginning because William's contractor business will not continue to make money without him there and they had no life insurance on William.  Mrs. Pettry is a stay at home mom that takes care of 3 young kids, so now she has to leave her kids, get a job, and pay child care to make ends meet, because he husband's income will no longer be there.  Not only will he not be there to see his kids grow up, take them to the doctor, play baseball with them, hug his wife when she has had a bad day, fix the toilet, and all the other things he did but his current and future income is all gone!

If William had just spent a couple of dollars a day on a term life policy, his family would not have to worry where next week's mortgage payment was coming from.  Don't put your family in this position!  Life insurance is cheap!  It's important! and you need to get some!  Call an agent that you trust and buy a policy today


Ask me for a quote!

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