Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Is that pumpkin head mooning me?

I was driving to work the other day and ... well let me just say that I wasn't sleeping or anything, but it was early and when I passed this scene and I really wasn't sure that I saw what I saw.

So I whipped the truck around and snapped a photo, and to tell the truth I didn't even realize until after I took the picture that the second pumpkin head was flashing her chest at me! 

In one day I was mooned by one pumpkin headed scarecrow and had another flash her chest at me, and all this was before eight in the morning.

Ordinarily I would have taken away some deeper meaning from the experience, but on this day all I could do is laugh.  So the next time you see a pumpkin headed flasher be sure and honk so they know you seen them!

Happy Halloween everyone!

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