Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What's Important to Hoosier Families? (blog post)

Google trends is a pretty cool feature on Google.  If you've never used it, you should check it out.  You go to Google Trends online and type in a search term and region (like Indiana) and Zoweee! It tells you the volume of Hoosier searches on that topic.  Cool stuff, indeed. 

Well, today I google trended "Life Insurance" as well as home, auto, and health insurance ... do you know that home, auto, and health did not have enough searches in the last 30 days to show up on this trend counter but life insurance was on evereyone's minds.

I also noticed that there was very little searching for life insurance on Sunday, it was mainly done during the work week.  Perhaps it is our daily interactions at work that make us feel our mortality or maybe we just have more free time at work than at home.  Anyway I thought that was interesting.

I also think it is interesting that the most important and complicated insurance there is is the only one that had enough people searching online for it to even register on Google Trends.  Shouldn't we talk to a real live person about the important stuff?  Can we trust Wikipedia for the really important stuff?  I don't, I try to find people that are experts and discuss my options with them.  Online experts don't have to look you in the eye (neither do the TV experts) so they don't suffer if their advice is not right for you.

Life insurance is an important topic in Indiana (more so than any other insurance type) so call an Agent to get your questions answered, because they will see you at Walmart and CVS each week and that makes them (including me) much more motivated to tell you the best information you can get.

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