Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Future of Health Care!

So, what's the deal with heath insurance?  It seems like heath insurance is on every one's mind today ... The cost is rising and benefits are shirking, even in the face of last year's heath care reform. 

I quote health insurance for a bunch of families each week.  I really don't like to though, because the premiums are high and most folks need the coverage because their company has either cut benefits or personnel.  So they've had a bad week before they sit in my office and I'm just going to put another log on the fire.

One thing is for sure, we have not heard the last of heath care reform, There are too many open ended questions with the legislation that passed last year.  One of the most glaring is, what is the maximum that a health insurance company can charge for the insurance that the government is saying everyone must have in the next 4 years?  The cost of this program will fall to those that can pay for the coverage.  Those that can't pay will be in violation of the law and will still be treated with care bought by the tax payers ... in other words the middle class will foot the bill!

I'm not sure how to improve the system but I can say it is obvious that tort reform is necessary before the other issues can even be addressed.  Tort reform would be changes to the civil justice system that would limit the amounts paid out in minor health care related claims.  If a doctor or drug maker or hospital must pay hundreds of thousands each year to fend off lawsuits they will charge more for the end product or service to make up for that loss. 

Stopping predatory lawyers from getting huge settlements for minor claims (and taking 60% of it for their firms) will free up cash flow that can help lower the cost for health care without hurting the quality!  And that will lower health insurance premiums which will get more people buying it!


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