Friday, January 28, 2011

Local Guy Writes Book! (blog post)

The older I get the more I appreciate our local talent and culture.  I like that facebook allows me to stay connected and this week it supplied me with a real gem that satisfies both the need to stay connected and the love of local 'stuff '.  I received a notice that a friend of mine from high school had wrote a book. 

Sometimes a person shouldn't write a book, they should stick to other pursuits more tailored to their skills, but in this case I've read the snippets available on line and the story description and .... well, I'm excited to check it out.  Jon Cook has written a book that details the experiences of a Civil War POW ... I know, you're going "what does Jon know about a Civil war POW?"  Great question!  It appears that his great great grandfather was a POW during the Civil War and grew up in Greene County Indiana.  Coauthored by Russell Cook this looks like a winner.

Check them out on facebook (link below)

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