Saturday, November 12, 2011

Why can't we all just get along?

Getting along doesn't come easy for human beings.  We like to be right, and more importantly we like to be the one that points out someone else being wrong.  Then we like to discuss "How wrong" they are and ask "Why do they continue being wrong?" ... Do you know anyone that will condemn something until others join them in the condemnation, then they switch to deffending the thing they were just condemning? 

Many years ago as a young man living in Germany, my wife Tena and I were playing a game called Balderdash.  It has cards with words that sound odd and you are supposed to either know the correct definition or come up with one that sounds like the real one, so everyone else will think it is real and vote for your definition.

While playing that game I learned the word "Schadenfreude \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\ which means ... taking pleasure in other's misfortune.  It's a good word because it describes a basic human trait.  It's a trait that is uglier than we normally would want to portray but one that is naturally there.  

We often find that we look for an angle to dispute what someone is saying or we like seeing them in situations that are uncomfortable.  While I know this to be true, I don't know why we are wired this way and I find it hard to resist even though it is a despicable trait.  I mean come on ... we love watching the sitcom where everyone gets into crazy situations.  We love to listen to a politition give a speech and then poke holes in what he or she says.

So this week I'm going to try really hard to be the model of kindness, I'm going to avoid disputes and the guilty pleasure of Schadenfreude.  I might fail but I'll start the week trying to get along! 

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