Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What's really important?

No event in life ranks as high as the birth of a child.  The birth of my first grandchild a couple of weeks ago really punctuate that point for me again.  In everything that we do and all we try to obtain in this world we should realize that it is the two common experiences that we all have that bind us together in this world.
We are all born and we all die ... all the events in between pale in comparison to those two.  Our first day on this planet is a special one that should be celebrated and honored.  No matter how humble or expansive our beginnings, we come into life the same way.
Likewise, when it is time for us to leave this world, we do so alone and without the money, or possessions we've accumulated.  It is such a powerful and profound moment when you get to share someone's last second on earth with them, it will forever change you.
I make my living by helping people protect the things they accumulate after they are born and leave behind when they die ... sounds silly in the scope of things, doesn't?  That's why I'll always tell you that life insurance is the most important kind of insurance there is.  It's the only type of insurance guaranteed to pay off.

Protect the ones you love, FIRST!  Then we can talk about you car, business or home.

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