Monday, February 13, 2012

Keep on helping, longer than you thought possible!

Donating to your church is important and it helps them keep the building in good repair and warm.  The expenses of a church are many and if a church meets budget (just) each year they feel that things are going good.
Few churches plan for the unexpected, like several AC units breaking at the same time.  Huge expenses like these will destroy any small budget cushion that they have ... and how would they even put back enough for disasters like this?

That's where the members have to step up and give more ... it's painful and sometimes just doesn't happen.  Perhaps it is time to think about more aggressive ways to plan for the church's financial future.  Think about way in the future ... everything will cost more and the church budget will continue to be strained, how can you and the other leaders in the church today insure that there will be enough for the unexpected?

Try this ... get ten healthy church leaders of various ages together and work with a local insurance agent to get $50,000 life insurance policies on each of the 10 leaders, making the church the beneficiary.  For just a small amount each month you could make sure that the church will have money above and beyond their budgeted amounts for decades to come, even if one of the ten passes away prematurely.

Call (or email) me to find out more about giving a lasting memorial to your church!

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