Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be brave for one day and big things can happen!

It's Leap Day ... so do something brave, exciting and fun! Come on, it only comes around once every 4 years so this is a pretty special day. There are times when we need a little push to do something that takes some guts.

Stores advertise that the deals are "limited time only", car dealers shout "once in a lifetime offer", but they are all just trying to help you get brave for a moment, so you will feel that this time is special and commemorate it with a purchase.

Leap Day is a day to be brave ... so commemorate it with some action that you've been holding back on.  Just shut your eyes and jump (figuratively speaking of course).  You can feel safe in knowing that you need not think about it again for 4 full years.

Try the weird food, go on the big trip, sing in public, ask the girl (or guy) out, be brave for one day!  The payout is big, even though the weird food might suck, the big trip might be boring, the song may not get good reviews, the girl (or guy) may say no.  But, it might just be great and turn out better than you ever thought, so go on give it a try.

Happy Leap Day!


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