Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be brave for one day and big things can happen!

It's Leap Day ... so do something brave, exciting and fun! Come on, it only comes around once every 4 years so this is a pretty special day. There are times when we need a little push to do something that takes some guts.

Stores advertise that the deals are "limited time only", car dealers shout "once in a lifetime offer", but they are all just trying to help you get brave for a moment, so you will feel that this time is special and commemorate it with a purchase.

Leap Day is a day to be brave ... so commemorate it with some action that you've been holding back on.  Just shut your eyes and jump (figuratively speaking of course).  You can feel safe in knowing that you need not think about it again for 4 full years.

Try the weird food, go on the big trip, sing in public, ask the girl (or guy) out, be brave for one day!  The payout is big, even though the weird food might suck, the big trip might be boring, the song may not get good reviews, the girl (or guy) may say no.  But, it might just be great and turn out better than you ever thought, so go on give it a try.

Happy Leap Day!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Remember the Alamo and Fire the Cannon!

On this day in 1836, in San Antonio, Texas, in an old Spanish mission and fortress called the Alamo, Colonel William Travis issues an answer to General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana's call for surrender with a bold shot from the Alamo's cannon.

That started a battle that emboldened all Texans and while it ended in a devastating lose at the Alamo, the small rebel force inflicted heavy losses on the huge Mexican Army and gave Texas and American the battle cry, " Remember the Alamo!"

One hundred and seventy six years ago today Texas began an new life as an independent state.  Interestingly enough, one hundred and thirty four years and one day from that date my wife started her new life, here on earth. 

I'm grateful to the men at the Alamo for their bravery, and strength of conviction but even more I'm grateful to God that he thought ahead and gave my wife those same qualities.  It's rare to find people of such high moral character and when we do we want to be close to them as long as possible, just in case some of it will rub off on us.  We crave the thrill they bring to the world by their strict belief in right and wrong and their "line in the sand" attitude even in the face of difficult and over whelming odds.

We are lucky to have had great men like those at the Alamo in our country's history and I'm lucky to have had my wife as a friend for all these years, I'm better for it.

Happy Birthday!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Keep on helping, longer than you thought possible!

Donating to your church is important and it helps them keep the building in good repair and warm.  The expenses of a church are many and if a church meets budget (just) each year they feel that things are going good.
Few churches plan for the unexpected, like several AC units breaking at the same time.  Huge expenses like these will destroy any small budget cushion that they have ... and how would they even put back enough for disasters like this?

That's where the members have to step up and give more ... it's painful and sometimes just doesn't happen.  Perhaps it is time to think about more aggressive ways to plan for the church's financial future.  Think about way in the future ... everything will cost more and the church budget will continue to be strained, how can you and the other leaders in the church today insure that there will be enough for the unexpected?

Try this ... get ten healthy church leaders of various ages together and work with a local insurance agent to get $50,000 life insurance policies on each of the 10 leaders, making the church the beneficiary.  For just a small amount each month you could make sure that the church will have money above and beyond their budgeted amounts for decades to come, even if one of the ten passes away prematurely.

Call (or email) me to find out more about giving a lasting memorial to your church!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Paying for College ... Ugh!

One of the worst things in the world is getting the bill from your child's college, and if you make them be responsible for part of their education it becomes one of the worst things ever for them (of course that feeling in a teenager only lasts for about 30 minutes then they are on to more important thoughts like "what time is Real Housewives on?").

Of course planning for your child's college is painful too ... when they are one year old you are thinking, "how can I make their life better than the one I have?"  In today's world, an education is so important that we all jump right to that thought ... paying for school.

First ... let me tell you there is no wrong way to plan for their college fund!  Unless you don't plan ... which is the same as planning to fail!  I know it's crazy confusing but maybe this 2 minute blog will help you out.

If you get paid every 2 weeks and you put just $25 per pay period in to an annuity for 18 years at just 1% growth ... you'll have $12,000 to give your child for their college.  25 bucks is less than the cost of taking a family to McDonald's for lunch one time, it's about $2 a day for every work day or 2 Pepsi's.  So even a little grows a lot when you've got a long period of time to work with. 

The 529 College savings plan will give you some tax benefits and allows anyone to donate to your child's education but it comes with a lot of strings, not the least of which is they have to use it for college (so what if the join the Army and start a family).  You might start one just so the grandparents can put money in when they feel like it, but save on your own to get more control.

What do I recommend?  Well, I glad you asked ... I say that if you are serious about your child's education you need to plan for the worst case scenario ... what if you die in a car crash a year after you start saving? How will your spouse put money in the fund?  What if you save all that time and your child gets a full ride or joins the Army?  How will you get your money without a penalty?

Here is my simple generic advice when looking to save for the children's college ...1) start saving at least a little each month in the bank or a money market account.  2) take out a life insurance policy to protect the college fund from you dieing too soon.  This can be a term policy which is cheap or a cash value policy that will grow in value which ever you are comfortable with.  3) open a 529 savings plan and let all your relatives and friends know that they can put money in it for your kid (doesn't hurt to ask).

You need to speak to a financial professional that you trust (financial adviser or insurance agent) to see the best way to go and to measure your personal risk tolerance.  Be sure you trust them ... then start saving ... even a little will be more than nothing.

Ask me about protecting your child's future! Click here!