Thursday, November 17, 2011

"So Long And Thanks For All The Fish"

Douglas Adams wrote the book titled, "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish".  I really loved the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy series of which this was the fourth book.  It was a fun, crazy narrative about an ordinary guy and his extraordinary adventures.

Adams was an atheist and while I believe his view on creation was stupid, I really loved his writing ... and in particular the title of this book.  I think of it often because over the last few years I've been studying fish farming. 

The population of our planet continues to grow and our sources of high quality protein from nature and traditional farming techniques can't keep up.  While science has helped us get fatter pigs and chickens they have created a few problems along the way.  We have bigger farms that create bigger animals but that means if the animals from one farm are diseased it will affect folks around the country, where as if we all ate from local farms less people would be affected by a diseased herd.  We would use less gas to get our food from the farms, and so we would create less pollution.  Plus we would know the people that raised our food and more importantly they would know us and have to look us in the face if they sell a bad product.  That's strong motivation to do the right thing.

Besides the need for quality control, there is the issue of "franken food" ... with all the genetic engineering going into those fat pigs and chickens are we changing the food into something that is ultimately bad for us?  We don't know the long term effects of the extreme genetics that is practiced today, but I can guess and you can too.

Well, with that idea for green living I should get my seafood from close to home as well ... so I'm going to grow my own fish and shrimp.  This way I can be more responsible and grow a food source that I love close to the home that I love.

Perhaps when I die they will put this on my tomb stone "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish" ...

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite books too! On the topic of fraken-food and Douglas Adams, the "Restaurant at the End of the Universe" serves the ultimate franken-steak that actually requests to be eaten. Will genetics actually move that way???
