Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Are you Thankful?

Of course today's post is about being thankful ... I'm thankful for many things in life but am I truly thankful for all things?  Are you?  Is anyone?  I met someone once that I think was really thankful, he made me feel good about all that I have.

Several years ago Tena and I were in Costa Rica and we were meeting with a missionary that had been there for a very long time, he was in his 90's and the mission needed a laptop which Tena and I had and which our church members paid to fix up.  The mission's accountant was grateful for the computer and brought the older missionary to meet us for lunch. 

He had some great stories but when it was time to eat we asked him to give thanks and his prayer started out like this ... "Dear Lord Thank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye, thank ye ... he went on to get specific and I couldn't help but smile as the pitch of his continued thank ye's went up and down through the entire prayer.  This old missionary was truly grateful for his food, his family, his day and the mission that God gave him, and he made sure the God hear him.  In the process of showing his thanks to God he showed the rest of us what gratitude truly is.

I've not found it very easy to be upset or irritated passed the 3rd "thank ye" on any occasion that I've tried that prayer.  In fact by the 4th "thank ye", I'm mostly giggling to myself thinking what I'll look like at age 90 and wondering what mission God will have given me.

So this Thanksgiving ... if only for a moment ... give thanks from the bottom of your heart.  If it helps you get in the mood, dance around while you do!  Blessing come in many different packages and sometimes we don't even recognise them as the gifts tat they are.

Happy Thanks "ye" giving!


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