Sunday, March 6, 2011

Special kids ... Special Needs!

I took a little time to visit the Easter Seals in Indianapolis last week and had a great time and really enjoyed seeing the great work they are doing.  The Indianapolis center is geared toward helping autistic adults and children learn the skills they need for a lifetime.  Everything from job training to loaner technology that can help them communicate (the get to try before they buy to see how well it works for them).

The social worker that gave us the tour was understandably proud of the center and the work that they do, and I was amazed and all that was available.  I went with a special needs consultant that I am working with to get plugged in to the current system.  We are looking to help those families that need a hand in planning for their special needs child ... someday that child will need financial support and their parents won't always be their to supply that need. 

Buttermilk Mountain is a special needs consultant that has years for experience.  They are helping me better understand the specific needs of families that have a special needs child, who will never be able to provide for themselves.  As an insurance agent my role is helping to fund the special needs trust that will provide for those kids for the rest of their lives.   Life insurance is the best way to fund these trusts.   I'm really excited to start helping those families create a lasting legacy for the children that bring hem so much joy.

I will write more about this subject in the near future, as it is near and dear to my heart!


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