Saturday, March 12, 2011

Buy Local ...

Buying local is more than just a saying ... it is a frame of mind and an important frame of mind if you ask me.  Every dollar you spend is helping some one's community, either yours or someone else's.

Sometimes you need to go outside your community to get the quality, brand or type of service or product you need.  I will often buy herbal supplements that are made from herbs that only grow in tropical Asia.  We sometimes use vanilla that comes from the South Pacific.  But given the choice I'd rather buy my goods and services from a person or company that lives in the community where I live, pays taxes in the community that I pay in to, and who's fortune and welfare is tied to the local community.  That person will help improve my community and is vested in the success of everyone in the area.

On the occasion that you have to spend money with companies that don't have an interest in your community, you are losing the benefit of that money to what ever community the company resides. 

It's greener, safer, economically sound, and more trustworthy than buying services and goods from far away places.


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