Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Vacation Rocks!

You know a good vacation is worth its weight in gold!  I just got back from a GREAT vacation filled with giant roadside attractions and Florida sun. 

In the insurance business you are often surrounded by people who have just lost something ... a car, a garage, a home, or even a husband or wife.  Sometimes it gets pretty difficult to see people hurting even though we get to help them through the tough times it will really wear on you.

So stepping out for a week in the sun is a welcome diversion.  We ran throught southern Illinois and picked up my niece and then on to the Superman Museum then through Tennessee to the giant chicken with a chef hat, and finally the giant peach in Alabama.  Then we spent a little time on the beach haviung crab races and eating shrimp.

I returned home to a pile of new claims and lots of folks that needed policies to protect their families from lost ... and you know I was glad to get back into it, because no matter how great vacation is, it's not your life.  I just wish it would stop snowing for goodness sake.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon Wrecking Havic Tonight!

Okay, so I've been known to come up with some far fetched stories but this really caught my eye.  I mean talk about tales of doom and destruction, this has it all!

Tonight the moon will be closer to the Earth than it has been in 18 years ... astrology nuts are claiming this could cause massive volcanic and earthquake activity all over the globe not to mention the increase in werewolf activity.  Most experts agree that there is a very slight increase in volcanic and earthquake activity when the moon is closer to the earth but no of them can remember any apocalyptic events 18 years ago when this happened last time.

The good news for my clients that have their homeowners insurance with me is that volcano damage is covered and you can add earthquake on for a fee.  However, werewolf damage is not covered by any homeowners policy!

Perhaps we should consider investing in silver bullets for tonight ... good luck with it all!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Happens if My Home gets Flooded?

Flood insurance is one of the most misunderstood types of insurance sold today.  It is a complicated program created by the federal government and sponsored by local government but administered by private companies and sold by independent agents.

Basically the federal government says that they will help fund the loses and if the local government will pay part of the costs they will pay even more.  If the county government fully participates in the National Flood Insurance Program then the residents of that county can buy flood insurance to cover the full amount of a loss. 

If the county government only participates in the emergency plan then residents can buy a minimal policy to cover flood ... if your community fully participates then you can get complete coverage for your home.  If you are worried about flood then call your local agent to see what is available and how much the premium is.

Check out FEMA's website for more info ...


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Buy Local ...

Buying local is more than just a saying ... it is a frame of mind and an important frame of mind if you ask me.  Every dollar you spend is helping some one's community, either yours or someone else's.

Sometimes you need to go outside your community to get the quality, brand or type of service or product you need.  I will often buy herbal supplements that are made from herbs that only grow in tropical Asia.  We sometimes use vanilla that comes from the South Pacific.  But given the choice I'd rather buy my goods and services from a person or company that lives in the community where I live, pays taxes in the community that I pay in to, and who's fortune and welfare is tied to the local community.  That person will help improve my community and is vested in the success of everyone in the area.

On the occasion that you have to spend money with companies that don't have an interest in your community, you are losing the benefit of that money to what ever community the company resides. 

It's greener, safer, economically sound, and more trustworthy than buying services and goods from far away places.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Special kids ... Special Needs!

I took a little time to visit the Easter Seals in Indianapolis last week and had a great time and really enjoyed seeing the great work they are doing.  The Indianapolis center is geared toward helping autistic adults and children learn the skills they need for a lifetime.  Everything from job training to loaner technology that can help them communicate (the get to try before they buy to see how well it works for them).

The social worker that gave us the tour was understandably proud of the center and the work that they do, and I was amazed and all that was available.  I went with a special needs consultant that I am working with to get plugged in to the current system.  We are looking to help those families that need a hand in planning for their special needs child ... someday that child will need financial support and their parents won't always be their to supply that need. 

Buttermilk Mountain is a special needs consultant that has years for experience.  They are helping me better understand the specific needs of families that have a special needs child, who will never be able to provide for themselves.  As an insurance agent my role is helping to fund the special needs trust that will provide for those kids for the rest of their lives.   Life insurance is the best way to fund these trusts.   I'm really excited to start helping those families create a lasting legacy for the children that bring hem so much joy.

I will write more about this subject in the near future, as it is near and dear to my heart!


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Did you lose some money?

Things don't always go as we plan , and sometimes that can get in the way of receiving all the money that is due to us.  I know this from experience, but then again who hasn't left town and forgot the $10 in a savings account.  Or perhaps over payments on property taxes and utilities that are forgotten as you move to a new location, job and life. 

It's hard to find those lost bits and pieces even knowing where you've been, but imagine if you didn't know that money was left there.  Imagine if it was left by a relative that you knew or maybe just knew but rarely spoke to.  

Imagine that an Uncle left a life insurance policy and you were his closest heir, but he lived in Seattle and you only talked to him once a year.  The life insurance company may find out that he passed away within a few months but they won't necessarily know who you are and where you live.  In fact many states make a healthy revenue from the languishing life insurance proceeds that can not be paid to the heirs.

One expert from IU stated that an estimated $351 million was transferred to the state governments in 2009 and he feels that is a conservative number.  So how do you keep from leaving your legacy to the state government? 

First off, find a life insurance agent that you trust and review your life insurance with them every year.  Make sure that your agent knows what group term you have through work and if you have any policies through other companies that you don't have an agent with.   Your agent will make a record of these policies and be a resource for your loved ones when you pass.  A good agent will be in your community and will know if something happens to you.  They will be able to speak to your spouse or children and guide them through the process as well as helping them get all the benefits you have in place for them.

If you think a loved one may have left money or life insurance behind you can search for it here at the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators.

Read more in the New York Times article linked here