Saturday, February 26, 2011

Stupidity in the State House?

My 2nd daughter told me about the most  egregious affront suffered by disabled vets in recent memory.  I'm ashamed that it told my daughter and the Ball State campus newspaper to inform me on the insanity happening at the Indiana State House this month.

But, here is the long and short of it, SB 577 is a bill that passed the state senate this month and will be voted on in the house soon.  It is called a financial aid bill and in the first section it establishes tuition assistance for incarcerated felony offenders.  Later in the bill (buried in endless droning about all things financial aid) it cuts the tuition assistance Earned by DISABLED Vets.

It's that simple folks they are taking the benefits from disabled vets and giving them to convicted felons.  I know it sounds stupid and it is, even my youngest daughter said "they would never do that ... it's too stupid to pass."  Unfortunately it quietly passed in the senate and is heading for the house vote.

I know there is a lot in the news as far as government goes today but don't let this slip through, call your legislator today and tell them to vote NO to SB 577.  If you don't know who to call, check out this site to find out .

Here is a facebook group to join and be hear on 


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