Monday, February 14, 2011

Romance is in the air!

Well it's Valentine's Day and I'm sure all you guys got your gals something romantic.  I know I did!  But let's look at what the experts say about the most romantic gift you can give.  Now before I tell you this I just want to make sure you know that the statistics I'm about to show you are true and real ... even though it's hard for me to say them with a straight face.

However, anyone that knows me, knows I'm a shameless self promoter and I've made no secret of the fact that I'm in insurance and that this blog is mainly for the purpose of promoting my business.  I mean, the name of this blog is "Beginner's Guide to Insurance". So I'm going to just come out and say it.

88% of women surveyed think that buying life insurance is a good way to show that you love them!  I'm just saying!

For just a few bucks a month you can give them piece of mind and more importantly the bill each month will remind them that you love them.

Call me if you want to show the woman in your life that you really love them!  :-)

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