Wednesday, March 20, 2013

... and Kumquats for all!

Before I entered the insurance industry I worked in sales for the natural product industry.  Vitamins, and herbs and lots of things on the fringe of health and nature.  We had two big shows each year, one on the East coast in the fall and one in Anaheim California in the Spring.  In any small industry you find friends and develop traditions and this was no different.  I have a friend in LA that would come to the show and bring me kumquats from her back yard.  Fresh kumquats are crazy good.

They are sweet and tart all at the same time, the little fruits look like grape sized oranges with very thin skins which are edible and in fact the sweetest part of the fruit.  Since I left that industry I've gotten a couple of shipments from LA and this year one of those amazing shipments arrived bringing great joy to me (mostly me cause I'm the only one that really likes them that much in my family).
My buddy grows these wonderful little fruits in her back yard and when I get them I make jellies, pickles and candies from them and ship some of those goodies back to LA.  This is a good life example, we all do what we do.  I don't try to build houses and my carpenter friends don't try to offer life insurance.  In the same way my LA kumquat connection doesn't try to make kumquat pickles and I don't try to grow the tropical fruit in Indiana. 
We all have special skills and we should accept that in some areas we need an expert to guide us.  If you're not an insurance agent you should find one that understands your business, home and life so that they can tell you want you need.  Don't try to figure it out yourself to save a dollar with some online company.  Get a real live person that you can trust and talk to who doesn't have a strange accent.


Call me to review you insurance program and make sure you are paying the right amount for the right coverage.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

What happened to Customer Service?

This week has been the worst week of customer service for me!  I spent several hours working on getting a phone / internet provider to do what they promised us they would do for our church.  They spend they same amount of time trying to get out of doing what they promised to do.  Plus they tried to make me feel stupid for demanding that they do what they promised to do when we agreed to let them provide the phone and internet services for the church.

Prior to that I spent a great deal of time talking to the bank that is doing the refinance on my home.  After telling me for 80 days that the closing costs would be one figure they proudly informed me on the eve of closing that the closing costs would be double what they originally quoted.  This without the slightest hint of regret or any explanation as to the difference.  They merely gave me the new figure and were puzzled why I told them no, I won't pay that without a reason. 

I struggle with this because I am in the service business, as an insurance Agent I have to take responsibility for the actions of the companies I represent even though I can't control what they do and that is on top of being responsible for what I do.

Think about this ... if gas goes up, we all complain to each other.  If your auto insurance goes up you complain to the agent.  No one ever tells the gas station attendant that they need to sharpen their pencil and give them a better rate on the gas.  Why would you think the insurance agent could make the insurance company lower its price?

I'm not complaining about that perception, I just want to establish that as an agent I have to provide great customer service or people will move on to a new agent ... and they should.  But by the same token, I demand the same level of service in my life that others do from me.

Demand good service and make companies do what they are supposed to do, then be loyal to them so that we can all finally get the service we deserve.  Those of us that provide good service want to know that you appreciate the effort, and those that don't care about their professional image should not be encouraged to continue giving sub par service. 


How important is good service when talking about life insurance? I'll be the one giving your loved ones a check when they need it most!