I don't know how you feel during election time but I always feel a little less smart just listening to the ads and the candidates. It's always funny to me how everything is always someone else's fault, no candidate ever says "yep, I did that and it was wrong, but I'm trying to fix it!" In fact most go out of their way to show how everything is the other guy's fault, even when there is no way that the other candidate could have had anything to do with it.
Better yet, don't you love it when the candidate takes credit for something totally out of their control. Remember when Al Gore said he invented the Internet? What President ever personally created a million jobs in 4 years? What President ever personally caused a financial crisis in 4 years? Many of the policies a President would want to enact, take funding that is not under the control of the President, and must be approved by Congress. So why do we listen to these ridiculous claims that in 4 years they will do something they can't possibly control? Why do we hand our precious vote to a guy who claims that he can walk on water while accusing the other candidate of hating puppies?
The answer is three fold. First we are looking for a leader that we can trust, and in the absence of personal knowledge of their trustworthiness we must rely on the evidence pointing to the opposite. If the other candidate can show himself to be less untrustworthy then we have to go with him. Second we are looking for a leader that really wants the job, if a candidate isn't willing to go toe to toe and take a beating for the job then they don't really want it and that means they might not have the "GRIT" or "STONES" to do what needs to be done. Finally, we are looking for a leader that leads. Claiming authority and making decisions is a skill and inspiring others to do what needs to be done is the primary skill necessary to be a successful leader. In fact I believe that the best speach is the they way to pick your president. If he can stir emotions and inspire you to action with just his words over the TV then he's the one.
So, good luck choosing a leader this year, I hope you pick the right guy!
Be the leader in your family and get life insurance on yourself!