Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sour grapes are still sweet when they are dried!

Some people are just sour.  They can find the downside to everything.  If you get a raise at work they say "you'll pay more taxes now."  If you buy a new type of shoe they say "you'll get a blister if you wear them before you brake them in."  Order a steak and they'll tell you how bad the last one they had was, or how bad the service was the last time they were at that restaurant. 

Nothing is every just good or great ... there is always a downside and those folks are there to show it to you.  But now you can't let that get you down.  Just like the downside there is always an upside and that's what you need to keep your eye on.  Don't let a few Debby downers get to you. 

Be unshakable, stand firm in the face of sour people, your attitude is just as infectious as their bad attitude so reflect the upside and ignore the downside.  People with sour attitudes must have agreement to spread their sourness.  If you refuse to agree with with them and refuse to help them spread their doom and gloom then they can't change you.

Plus, if they can't shake your optimism over time something happens ... they start to change and they will begin to have a sunnier disposition.  Just like grapes that have been dried into raisins, these sour people may start out sour but a warm sunny day will sweeten them right up and they won't even look like the same people.

Moral - Stay sunny ... and you'll dry out the sour people (or something like that)


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