Monday, June 21, 2010

Love what you do!

Love what you do! My dad tells me this every week. You know, he’s right, and reinforcing that lesson each week that we talk, shows his real wisdom. Most of us work 40 or more hours each week to make a living that only leaves 128 hours a week to sleep. If you get only 5 hours a night that leaves just 6 hours a day and the weekends to enjoy our family and eat. So, we had better love what we do.
I have always loved my occupation, for 10 years I was in the Army, and OMG what a cool way to make a living. I would still be doing that if it were not for my disability. After leaving the Army I started a career in sales (selling natural products wholesale to health food stores across the Midwest) that was great, the travel and the information gave me a great since of satisfaction.

Now my job is to insure that my clients have the appropriate amount of insurance at the time of loss. Not easy, because most people think I am just out to make some money. But I want to show my clients the best way to use the funds they have available for their insurance needs … and honestly, most insurance agents want the same thing.

We want to be there for you when your world has turned upside down and we want to help you get through it. That’s not how we make money … we make more if you pay the highest premium for the longest time with no claims. But we live in your communities and struggle like you do, so we often do what’s best for you and not what’s best for our bottom line.

This Father’s Day I went to the local stripper pits to fish with my dad and I know you folks did the same because that’s what we do in the Midwest, we spend our time with family and friends, and we protect those same people as best we can.

Insurance is like that, car insurance protects our family from law suits, home owner’s insurance protects our family from fire, and life insurance protects our loved ones from fate or someone else’s actions.

Yep, I love what I do because it makes a difference in the lives of each and every client I have. I spend more of my time than most folks promoting and working in my business because I LOVE what I do. Dad is right, you have to love what you do!

Call your insurance agent today and tell them that you appreciate what they do … if you don’t appreciate them then do both of you a favor and switch!

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