Monday, September 12, 2011

Living in the Moment ... looking back at 9/11

Life moves fast and you have to stop and smell the roses every once in a while or it could just pass you by!  Sounds like a movie quote - right?  But 9/11 if it taught us anything, it showed that life is unpredictable.  But you know the idea of living in the moment doesn't mean we stop planning and live hand to mouth ... sometimes we get that juvenile concept.  You know what I'm talking about, some folks think that to live in the moment they need to quite their job and spend every second of the day contemplating the beauty of the world and our meaning while on the planet.

But we don't have to drop out to live in the moment, we just need to focus our efforts on what is important.  Work is a big part of our lives, not just to make money but to achieve (anything).  We measure our life time by work and even schedule our vacations around it because it is central top who we are and what we will be remembered by.

However, while no life is complete without work (whether at home or away from home) it would not be complete without leisure time or personal relationships.  In other words take time for work, time for play, and time for your loved ones ... if you do that then you are truly living in the moment.

9/11 really made us look hard at having balance in our lives, it reminded us all that work, while important, isn't everything and while we need to plan for the future we need to make sure we are living in between the planning.

I hope you are living a balanced life and that you have many great personal relationships at work and play.  Plan smart, work hard, pray, and be in the moment!

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