Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Give Enough!

Our church is in the process of a remodel project and in the course of that project we are forced to think about future projects that will involve construction or at the very least sizable sums of money.  We are fortunate enough to have a nest egg that was left by a generous donor to build or remodel as we need to, but that gift which was given some time ago is pretty rare. 

To be frank, how many of us have enough money now that we are whiling to give a large chunk to the church before we die which out worrying about possibly needing that cash to live on before we die?  Most of us who are church goers would like to leave behind a legacy but we can't afford to lose control of the money that we may need if our retirement investments take a turn for the worse once we are relying on them for our income.  Sometimes it seems that the days of the big donors are gone, but some young people are planning ahead now and securing their legacy before it starts costing too much.

A 65 year old man can plan to leave $25,000 to the church by putting it in his will and having the money in a money market account just in case he needs it.  But who knows if that will even be left for the church by the time he dies, taxes and probate expenses can eat up the proceeds and lessen or eliminate the money this gentleman wants to leave behind.  The same 65 year old can put that $25,000 in a single premium life policy and the church will get nearly $45,000 before the rest of the estate is settled.  If the man out lives his saving he can always withdraw the cash and use it to live on, but for now he has protected his legacy.

A young woman age 25, wanting to inspire young people after she is gone can leave a $100,000 gift to the church and pay only $13 a week for a life insurance policy (plus she can stop paying all together at age 40).  Her gift can be used anyway she wants, to build a school room, pay for mission work, or create a youth program.

Young or old ... a lump sum of cash or a few dollars a week ... using life insurance to leave a legacy to your church is just a smart way to do it.  You can help your future church leadership expand, maintain or recreate and help show them the true meaning of Christian love.

Call a life insurance agent that you trust and talk about how you can create a legacy for the church and still have a safety net for your finances.


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