Friday, May 20, 2011

What would happen ... ?

This week reminded me that my job is to ask the questions that no one wants to ask.  I'm here to say "what if?" and not in a good way most of the time.  What happens to a child if a single parent losses their life?  Would the estranged ex spouse take on raising the kids?  Would the Grand parents put off retirement to take in their grandchildren?  Would they have enough money to take care of them?

Not real fun stuff to talk about, in fact it is much like growing old (if you read my last post you know I think that getting old sucks).  But if you never talk about the possibility of your children losing their only source of income, they'll be in trouble if that day comes. 

I suggest that you call an insurance agent that you trust and talk to them, like I said our job is to ask the questions that you don't what to or even know to ask.  Many times just talking about the need is exhausting but getting protection in place for your children (or spouse) will give you piece of mind. 

Nope it's not fun but just like getting a cavity filled, it may not be fun right now but you'll feel better when you get it done.  There are lots of options but remember the best option gives you all the coverage you need!  If you can't afford what you need, something is WAY better than nothing!

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