Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Remember the Sandwich ... Taming the Caribbean Jerk War Pig

I travel a lot for business, which means I eat out a lot.  Honestly, you get tired of eating out after the second full day on the road.  No really!  it's the truth, so when I discover something special enough to even mention, you know it is worth your attention.

So, my youngest daughter and I were in Cleveland for business this last month and a friend told us to try this sandwich place.  I love sandwiches, so I have pretty high standards but I trust this guy when it comes to food.

The restaurant is called the Melt (Bar and Grill) and they specialize in grilled cheese sandwiches.  We split the Caribbean Jerk War Pig.

I'll just cut to the chase here ... it was transcendent, one of the top 5 best sandwiches of all time.  This from a guy that has had sandwiches all over the world.  I mean this sandwich was so good that I literally fell in love with it on the spot.  If it was a cult I would have shaved my head and donned a white robe and followed it to Africa.  It was so good the world stopped turning for a split second, sometime during the second bite.

Why am I mentioning it here?  Just to get a chance to say "Remember the sandwich with NuMemory+". Check out our memory supplement at www.intelligencetree.com and check out the Melt the next time you are in Cleveland!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What's Worth your Time?

When you're right you're right.  My dad always said you can tell what a guy really cares about by how he spends his time.  No doubt ... that is one true statement!  We all spend our time doing the things that are most important to us.  There are some things we have to do and profess not to enjoy (like going to work) but even those activities show people what is important to us.

The guy that goes to a job everyday for 35 years that he hates and takes all the overtime he can probably isn't a sadistic maniac.  He probably wants to provide for his family and give his children a better life and more opportunities than he had.

However, finding time to spend with your loved ones is one of the most important parts of your day.  It shows them that you think they are important, because you are spending the one thing you can earn more of ... time.

I'm lucky to have lived long enough to meet my first grandson.  I love spending time with him, and in his eyes that is the only thing that matters.  It really doesn't matter what we are doing either, he's happy to watch TV with me, walk around the house or sometimes we stand under the ceiling fan, and I hold him up so he can practice pulling the chain that turns it on and off.

Sure it's nice when people change his diaper, bath him, or feed him but in the end he knows that people care for him because the spend their time with him.  The rest of us recognize that new clothes, toys and health insurance are important but his life is pretty simple and is distilled down to time.

Take some time to spend with your favorite people this week ... and show them what they mean to you.