Thursday, August 30, 2012

Don't bother ducking the rock is still going to hit you!

Sometimes the world weighs heavy on you and sometimes it just crashes down on your head like a ton of rock!

If you are lowly in authority these heavy weights are different than those experienced by people that wear a mantel of authority.  Not better or worse, tougher or easier, just different.

I can say this because I've felt the pressure from both sides.  Today as I write this I am thinking of the trials I'm in the middle of right now and at this time and in this place I have some measure of authority and responsibility.

No matter what the issue that you are dealing with as a leader, someone will second guess you ... most often it is you that starts the second guessing.  However, others are soon there to point out any questionable decision, thought, action or word you have ever had, whether it is relevant or not.  Somehow, the things you say and do are more of an issue than people without responsibility.  Somehow, the folks who don't make the hard decisions know all the answers and are very confident in telling you what those answers are.

I'm not sure why they don't just take up the reigns and take charge, but at least they are here to tell me when I am wrong.

But ... I'll tell you this, after being pummeled for a while you develop a thick skin, and that helps you to see truth more clearly than ever.  Mistakes and all, you have to own all that you are, in order to effect change and lead people ... you are right, wrong, good, bad, slow, fast, but most of all you are a leader.

So shake off the falling rocks, and brush the dust out of your eyes, and take responsibility for your decisions while you hold other accountable.

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Never, Never, Never, Never, Never Give up!

Sometimes taking a stand is painful ... no scratch that, it is always painful!  Everyone (even those that stand with you) seem to have a ax to grind with how it is handled.  Some thing you are too strong, some think you are too weak.  Some say don't be so gruff, some say don't be a wimp.

The bottom line is that when you find an issue meaningful enough for you to take a stand on ... you know drawing a line in the sand and saying everything on this side is okay but when you cross this "we've got a problem" ... don't expect that the crowd will rally around you and praise your eloquent handling of those that have an opposing view.

People are often afraid of how the world will judge them if they stand too firm.  They're afraid that someone will "call them out" and make fun of them or argue better than they do.  In short they are afraid of being made a fool of, and that is a powerful deterrent for most folks.

As I age I'm less likely to take a stand on minor things but much less fearful of being made a fool of, in fact I could care less about people that know me thinking I'm being foolish.  The lack of fear is my best asset in a moral battle.  People can sense when you are are solid ground with your understanding and at peace with the consequences of your stance.

Your confidence will shake theirs, your fearlessness will instill fear in them, your calm attitude will shake their resolve.  When you are not worried about the pain of a moral stand ... truth and right will prevail!  So, don't be afraid if you are standing firmly on the side of right, the pain will fade and when the smoke clears the world will be better for your sacrifice!

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