Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Best Gift Ever !!!

When I was a kid I used the phase "the best gift ever!" quite often.  Maybe I was easily impressed or perhaps I had a grandiose way about me.  Either way, I'm sure that the person who gave me the gift felt good about getting me something that I really loved. 

Christmas time is a great example of how giving and receiving is an important part of life ... both for the giver and for the receiver.  Nothing feels better than being able to get someone a gift that hey love, so in a way the receiver is the most important person in the exchange of a gift.  Without those that would receive ... our gifts would have no value.

Have you ever given a vagrant with a sign some small donation or helped a young mother pay for groceries while in line (when she didn't have enough to pay for them)?  Made you feel good, didn't it?  Well sometimes we who have look down on those that don't have ... not concisely, it's just sometimes we time, "why don't they just get a job?" 

We should however remember that in God's world we all have a role and no role is more important than the next.  So the beggar is just as important as those that donate.  Our role in the gifting process doesn't determine our value only our reward.

Merry Christmas ... may the gifts you receive bring you great joy and the gifts you give be joyfully received.


Giving your family the gift of life insurance will make the difference in paying for food, heat, and medicine if your pay check stops when you die!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Beware of falling rocks in Alabama!

On November 30th 1954 Mrs. Elizabeth Hodges, was sleeping on a couch when a meteorite crashed through the roof and into her living room, bounced off a radio, and hit her on the hip. This was the first modern instance of a meteorite striking a human.  It happened in Sylacauga (syl-a-cau-ga), Alabama. The space rock was a sulfide meteorite weighing eight and half pounds and measuring seven inches in length. Mrs. Hodges was not permanently disabled but did suffer from a bruise along her hip and leg.

Sylacauga is roughly 51 miles southeast of Birmingham, it's a small town of about 13,000 and yet it is the sight of one of the most rare injuries in the history of man. This is proof that you never know what's going to happen, so be at peace with your life, don't go to sleep angry and don't with hold forgiveness.  Life is short and if you don't slow down and smell the roses every once in a while you're going to miss it!

By the way the meteorite was eventually returned to Mrs. Hodges, even though the landlord, government and her husband all laid claim to it.  She donated it to the Alabama museum of natural history.

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